(From the devotees of Sri Giriraja Govardhana Gaudiya Matha, Murwillumbah, Australia)
Hare Krsna, Dandavat Pranams to all.
As an offering to Srila Gurudeva on his Centennial, we printed these 2 booklets in Australia.
"Defending ISKCON and The Sannyasa Asrama"* is a booklet which is an excerpt from Sripad BV Madhava Maharaja’s ‘The Supreme Treasure: Srila Gurudeva’ and “The Constant Stream of Nectar”* is a compilation of some of Srila Gurudeva’s quotes. (An excerpt from this was also printed as a brochure).
I have attached the booklets in pdf for any devotees who would like to read.

All pdfs are available in this google drive link:
All of these are also available for reading online:
In case of any queries, please contact me by email: manjumedha7@gmail.com